Drinking Water To Lose Weight

How to Lose Weight in 30 Days - Why Weight Loss Diet Hype Should Be Avoided

Looking for quick and easy ways about how to lose weight in 30 days?

Considering trying that latest fad diet out there? Once you review it, does it sound too good to be true? Are you seeing a lot of marketing hype promising the fastest or easiest method of weight loss? These are two of the obvious warning signs that whatever dieting plan is being sold might not be the most effective one for you. Sure, we'd all like to lose weight without putting in any effort, but that's virtually impossible. There is no magic pill or drink that burns calories while you sit and watch television!
Dieting is an emotional issue and advertisers know it. They know just how to play to the desires of those who need to lose that belly fat, especially this time of year. Keep your head clear, and be ready to thoroughly analyze the latest product or expensive book. Successful weight loss can be accomplished without spending much money and without trying all the latest dieting fads.
Educating yourself about effective, proven methods for losing weight assists you in choosing the right plan to achieve your goals. The posts on this blog are meant to help you do just that. Recognizing early on that it will take some effort on your part is another important step in starting a dieting routine that will take off the weight and keep it off.
Yes, many of the fad diets will accomplish quick, short-term weight loss. But if you follow up with people using those methods a few months to a year later, the majority of them will have regained the weight.
Why does this happen over and over? There are two primary reasons why people give up on a diet and regain weight. The most obvious one is that the diet was an overwhelmingly burdensome change that couldn't be sustained. Deeply restrictive diets rarely work, as it is hard to maintain a life of denial and the resulting cravings. Although weight loss may be slower, a moderate change in the types of foods eaten and a gradual change in portion sizes can help you accomplish lasting weight loss. The goal is to create behavioral and dietary changes that you can maintain happily for years to come!
The other reason that crash diets don't lead to lasting weight loss is physical. Starving the body sets up metabolic changes that actually encourage the retention of weight. The body thinks it is going to starve and it hangs on to every calorie. It gets harder and harder to lose weight even though you are consuming fewer calories. You are tired and cranky and have no energy for healthful, calorie burning exercise. As soon as you give up on this kind of diet, the pounds fly back on.
So, what's the best way to start a successful weight loss diet? Number one is thinking healthy. What does an optimally functioning body need? A diet loaded with nutritious food, plenty of regular exercise, and a good frame of mind. These are your goals and you'll find that you become slimmer, healthier and happier than you would while riding the fad diet rollercoaster.
Most people who want to lose weight look for get thin quick tips, want to learn how to lose weight effectively, and gotta know how to lose fat quick. If this sounds like you, click here to visit my "Lose Weight Really Fast Tips" blog at Lose Weight Fast and Easy

Discover 3 Simple Exercises to Lose Weight the Fun Way

It is easy to engage in simple exercises to lose weight. However, for people who have spent more time on the couch than on a treadmill, the exercise word sounds like a jail sentence. Exercises need not be a regular exercise program to lose weight. In fact, you should not even think of it as a program at all as it makes losing weight intimidating. Exercises should be fun. Fun makes one stick to losing weight.
3 Simple Exercises to Lose Weight
Let's talk about three simple exercises to help you lose weight. They are: Walk-A-Block, Swim-A-Lap, and Bike-A-Ride. Together, they form a Super Mini Triathlon. Your objective here is not number of repetitions, or personal best records, not even perfect form. You are simply out there to have fun, losing weight in the process.
The best thing about walking is that it is free. Plus, you can do it anytime, and anywhere. But the secret to a good Walk-A-Block is that you should do it for a sustained period, say 1 hour as a start, and over a considerable distance, like 3 kilometers at a time. Hey, don't say that's too far because I'll let you in on a trick that would make walking that distance fun.
Grab your purse, put on a comfortable pair of sneakers and hit the mall. Yes, the mall. Walk continuously inside. Dart in and out of stores, scan every store front, go up the stairs (no elevators and escalators, please), play a game of follow a shopper. Do anything you can so you don't stop walking. Do this simple exercise regularly, increasing your pace and distance each time.
Well, you need an access to a swimming pool here, or a body of water that is at least waist deep. So why is this simple exercise excellent for losing weight? You will be using all parts of your body to get from Point A to Point B. That means you burn calories quickly while making sure that your muscles get that much needed stretch and twitch. You do all these as your joints, especially in the legs, do not bear the brunt of your weight. This is perfect for the elderly or the plus-sized individual who is not yet (that means soon you can) ready for bone-rattling brisk walking or jogging.
You'll need a bike of course. It doesn't need to be expensive, just reliably running. Again, you are not required to follow a set route. The only requirement for this simple weight loss exercise is that you ride your bike for at least an hour, non-stop. So where do you get that mileage? One is on errands. Any chore that is a short drive away is a Bike-A-Ride opportunity. Another is visiting friends and family who live a few miles away. It's a great way to catch up. If you have run out of errands and friends to visit, consider giving in to your sense of adventure.
So does the Super Mini Triathlon sound like a weight loss program? Nope, it sounds fun. Now get into it!
New Online Weight Loss Programs is a online weight loss resource that provides tips and strategies on shedding the pounds. We advocate using simple exercises to lose weight. We advocate losing the weight slowly, steadily and effectively.

Bodybuilding Fat Loss Diet - Easy Fat Loss Tips

A bodybuilding fat loss diet is certainly a complex one. But, if you understand its principles, you can devise a scaled down version that will help you lose weight. If you could change your physique, what would you change it to? For many, there is a desire to embody a variant on a body builder's look. While most do not wish to weight 240lbs of solid muscle, a scaled down version of a bodybuilder's physique is certainly an appealing look one would prefer to duplicate. Of course, in order to do this, it is necessary to engage in a bodybuilding fat loss diet. Such a diet is often the perfect means of achieving weight loss.
Some may look slightly perplexed at the notion of a bodybuilding fat loss diet. After all, are not bodybuilders known for pumping iron and not engaging in dieting? Actually, bodybuilding is more about weight loss and diet than it is about packing on muscle. This is because unless a bodybuilder maintains a low percentage of body fat, the muscles he has developed will not be symmetrically visible. That is why bodybuilders invest a great deal of time properly dieting and engaging in a significant cardio program.
Does that mean bodybuilders eat very low calorie diets? Absolutely not! A heavily restricted diet would eventually undermine the muscle size they need in order to maintain their size and shape. (Muscles require a great deal of calories in order to maintain their mass) Instead, a common bodybuilding fat loss diet involves eating high quality proteins, fats, and carbs while avoiding poor quality food that lacks any nutritional value.
And, of course, one of the major keys to a bodybuilding fat loss diet is an increase in cardio and aerobic training. This reason for this is fairly obvious: the more activities one engages in, the more calories one will burn. The more calories you burn, the lower your body fat percentage will be. This is what creates the very ripped look that a professional bodybuilder is known to present.
Now, does this mean you need to diet as strictly as a bodybuilder? And does it mean you need to put in an enormous amount of cardio work? Well, if you want to step on stage and win a bodybuilding contest, the answer is yes. If you are just looking to develop a decent and well defined physique, then you merely need to perform a scaled back version of the bodybuilding fat loss diet. And yes, the end result will be a very well defined look because even a small percentage of the body building plan will deliver great weight loss results.
When you want to achieve success, it is best to model successful people. That is why following a diet plan similar to a bodybuilding fat loss diet plan. The Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet is an excellent way to achieve these results. This is a solid diet and works well in conjunction with other exercises that a bodybuilder would take part in.
If you have found that yo-yo diets and magic pills simply don't work, one tool that has been shown to work is Fat Loss 4 Idiots [http://www.fat-loss-4idiots-review.com]. This is a sensible diet that helps plan meals around your weight loss goal and may be a good product for you to try!
Check this simple, affordable plan designed to leave you satisfied and eating delicious foods while you lose weight without hard exercise.
Learn more about proven diet method at [http://www.fat-loss-4idiots-review.com]
It is completely RISK F-R-E-E for 60 days.
Test it, see if it works for you and if not just get all your money back.
Peter Skotnicky

Fat Burning How it Works

What happens in the body when we burn fat? Under what conditions is fat burning promoted? These questions will be addressed in this article. For ease of understanding and reference I have written the following info in bullet type format.
- Bodies 2 major stores of fat that provide energy 1) adipose tissue 2) intramuscular triglyceride (IMTG)
- Adipose tissue stores fat in the form of triglyceride. TG is composed of a glycerol backbone with three FFA attached to it.
- IMTG are droplets of fat stored within the muscle fiber.
- IMTG are contained within the muscle and can be used directly, FFA from adipose tissue must be carried through the bloodstream to the muscles to be used for energy.
- Fats are broken down to fatty acids and glycerol. Glycerol enters the glycolytic/glucogenic pathway via glyceraldehyde 3 phosphate
- Primary steps in adipose tissue burning
Triglyceride is mobilized which refers to breakdown to TG to three fatty acids and a glycerol molecule. Glycerol is released sent to the liver and regenerated to glucose. Breakdown of TG occurs due to HSL (hormone sensitive lipase) which is primarily influenced by insulin, and the catecholamines.
Adrenaline and nor adrenaline bind to beta-adrenergic receptors in fat cell stimulating HSL causing FFA release. Triglyceride breakdown is facilitated by three enzymes:
Triacylglycerol lipase,
Diacyclglycerol lipase
Monoacylglycerol lipase
Once broken down FFAs travel through bloodstream to liver or muscle. FFA is taken up into muscle and transported into mitochondria via Carnitine palmityl transferase 1 (CPT-1). FFAs are also broken down in the liver and can make ketone bodes if liver glycogen is depleted.
FFA is burned in mitochondria to produce ATP and acetyl-CoA
- Fat burning yields more energy than carbohydrate or protein oxidation
- One molecule of FFA will yield 129 to 300 ATP depending on length. While the breakdown of one molecule of glucose will yield 36-39 ATP.
- The more hydrogen atoms contained in a fuel nutrient, the more ATP will be produced per molecule oxidized.

The body works harder to oxidize fats than glucose during exercise.
IMTG is generally considered a faster form of energy during exercise
As adrenaline levels get higher IMTG is stimulated
Trained individuals use more IMTG than untrained.
On a final note, I would personally like to see some more research regarding IMTG use in glycolytic athletes following low carb diet regimens. It would be interesting to see if it is possible that some athletes in glycolytic sports particularly learn to utilize IMTG efficiently when utilizing low carb diets. I say this because I have seen numerous glycoly tic athletes function very well while following low carb regimens. There could be a few reasons this occurs including enhanced usage of IMTG. Keep in mind that these athletes were also consuming high protein diets which contributes to higher glucose conversion than a higher percentage fat diet. In reality, the high protein intake is probably the key factor, but it would be nice to see some further research concerning IMTG utilization.
Copyright 2005 Jamie Hale
Fatty Acid Metabolism
Gropper, S, S (2000) The Biochemistry of Human Nutrition. Wadsworth.
McDonald, L. ( 1998) The Ketogenic Diet. Lyle McDonald
jamie Hale is the owner of maxcondition.com, writer, gym owner, and fitness and nutrition consultant. He is also a member of the World Martial Arts Hall of Fame in recognition of his strength and conditioning work with martial artists.

Vitamin D Promotes Weight Loss

(NaturalNews) A recent study conducted by researchers from the University of Minnesota found that overweight people have better success in losing weight when their vitamin D levels are increased. Dr. Shalamar Sibley, the researcher who headed the study, placed 38 obese men and women on a diet program and discovered that those whose vitamin D levels were increased lost up to a half pound more than those who followed the diet plan only.

When combined with a reduced-calorie diet, it appears that supplementation with vitamin D helps to promote increased weight loss among those whose levels are low to begin with. For each nanogram per milliliter increase in vitamin D precursor in the blood, it was observed that an extra half pound loss in weight was able to be achieved while the diet plan.

A study published earlier this year in the Archives of Internal Medicine found that 75 percent or more of American teens and adults are deficient in vitamin D. Vitamin D deficiency is linked to all sorts of serious illnesses including cancer, diabetes and heart disease. Researchers in the weight loss study are unsure whether vitamin D deficiency causes obesity or if obesity causes vitamin D deficiency. Nevertheless, there is a clear connection between the two.

Vitamin D, in conjunction with calcium and sunlight, helps to properly assimilate food and regulate normal blood sugar levels. When there is a lack of calcium, oftentimes due to a vitamin D deficiency, the body increases production of synthase, a fatty acid enzyme that coverts calories into fat. Calcium deficiency can cause synthase production to increase by up to 500 percent, explaining the correlation between low levels of vitamin D and obesity.

Mainstream research has only begun to scratch the surface about the importance of vitamin D in general health maintenance. A clinical study conducted in April of 2000 revealed that patients who were bound to wheelchairs because of chronic fatigue and body weakness became mobile after just six weeks of supplementation with 50,000 IU of vitamin D per week. Other studies are showing remarkable healing from all kinds of diseases when vitamin D is brought up to proper levels.

Although current guidelines suggest daily intake somewhere between 400 and 600 IU, recent research is suggesting that this may be too low. Getting between 4,000 and 10,000 IU a day will have a much more therapeutic effect, boosting health and fending off disease. When natural sunlight is not an option, supplementation with vitamin D3 is the next best option.

Sources for this story include: http://wcco.com/health/vitamin.d.weight.2.1383803.html, http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=vitamin-d-deficiency... http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/153669.php

Best Fat Burning Exercise - The Real Truth

I get the feeling that you've been searching like crazy for quality information on the best fat burning exercise, that truly work. Believe me, I know it's a challenge as there's so much information out there that can be so confusing and overwhelming. Looking for the right information is a challenge in itself, and your brain probably has a six pack by now!
Big companies always use the ninety day transformation thing as a marketing tool. They make bogus products look super hot and say you'll have a body like Brad Pitt in seven days! lacking knowledge causes people to buy these products, and then the next thing you know, they'll be looking for something else on the market that looks hot. Believe it or not this could be symptoms of shiny object syndrome.
These companies aim their products at certain people, which is slimy in my opinion. I have always said that fitness is a lifestyle and a lifetime commitment.
To be honest all we need to do is keep things simple, and believe me, you'll be surprised. Key things to remember for your regime are that you have to select your workouts carefully and ensure they are intense enough to really increase your heart rate. The harder you workout, the more calories you burn. The more calories you burn, the more fat you will burn off. It's as simple as that.
Introducing weight training in your regime is also an excellent way to increase your metabolism and get the heart rate pumping. Compound exercises such as squats and deadlifts work just about every muscle in your body, increase muscle, strength and the overall conditioning of your body and of course shred body fat.
I've always been a huge fan of skipping, but it can take a little time getting use to. You see a lot of athletes such as boxers and Mixed Martial Arts fighters doing skipping as it doesn't only melt fat, but takes your stamina through the roof!
Another great exercise to increase metabolism and stamina is interval training. This is done by alternating high intensity levels with low intensity levels. This type of exercise attempts to replicate a sport where a lot of variations of intensity is involved for example NFL and Soccer.
You can incorporate interval training in any way you want - swimming, cycling, running or even walking if you can alternate the speeds. Overall, interval training will burn away body fat, increase your metabolism and stamina without wasting muscle mass.
Finding the perfect best fat burning exercise can be really confusing at first but the truth is that you have to make those exercises work for you by really putting in the work. If you incorporate these exercises into your regime, you'll definitely be on the road to success.
It's always important to keep moving to burn calories. Whether you're shaking your leg, wiggling your toes, moving your arms they all add up. So just find any way where you can keep your metabolism ticking along. Once your metabolism gets going, you'll be burning fat at a higher rate, even when you're resting.
I hope you have a basic understanding on how uncomplicated it actually is to burn body fat. You may need a few things to start of with like a skipping rope, decent pair of running shoes and some WILL, then you're off!
For the best and most effective workouts, articles and reviews that will help you achieve your goals, be sure to visit best fat burning exercise.

Best Fat Burner on the Market

With so many diet pills on the market is not easy to pick the right one for you. In truth many simply do not work and contain cheap, inferior ingredients likely to be based on caffeine. Fat burners that simply contain caffeine as their main ingredient are unlikely to give you sustained weight loss.
So what is the most credible fat burner on the market at the moment?
The only diet pill on the market that is pharmaceutically manufactured in FDA approved labs and receives the most recommendation from independent reviews of pills is Phen375.
What is Phen375?
Made in FDA approved labs in California this fat burning supplement is designed to help burn excess fat in the body and suppress your appetite. It does this using the most effective combination of enzyme boosters the 1, 3 Dimethypentylamine Hydrochloride, Sympathomimec Amine, 1, 3, 7 - trimethylxanthine, I- Carnitine, and Dehydroepiandrosterone.
Manufactured by FDA registered labs means that strict safety and quality standards are adhered to, ensuring your safety is paramount.
In summary, with Phen375 you get the following:
  • Weight loss of between 3-5lbs per week
  • Reduction in your urge to eat all the time
  • Rapid fat burning, with results often seen in the first week
  • 45 day full money-back guarantee
Where can you get Phen375?
Althought Phen375 is not the cheapest fat burning supplement on the market costing around $69 per month, you can save money by ordering 3 months supply and getting one month free. By buying this volume you get each bottle for around $50, certainly cost effective consider the strength and quality of the product!
To take advantage of this saving you can buy online through their official website. First you may like to read our more in-depth review to discover more about one of the most credible fat burners on the market.
Excess is not healthy and if not addressed can easily get worse! You can take control again with a weight loss supplement that is guaranteed to work and based on sound scientific evidence. Do not hesitate start trying the best and fastest way to get rid of your excess fat.
We review the best fat burners on the market and discover the most effective for safe and natural weight loss. For the strongest legal fat burner read our review of Phen375

How Do Fat Burning Supplements Work ?

Fat burners are not new. They've been used by athletes and serious gym goers for several years as a way to reduce weight and increase the intensity of their workouts.
There are several categories of fat burners, however the most well-known are called thermogenic fat burners. These are also known as ECA's an abbreviation of the three common ingredients ephedra, caffeine and aspirin.
Ephedra and caffeine are well-known stimulants that affect the central nervous system. They can increase your heart rate and blood pressure.
This has the effect of pumping more blood through your system which causes your body heat to rise which in turn increases the rate calories are burned.
Although Aspirin isn't a stimulant it's added because it can thin the blood. This has the effect of increasing the heat resistance within the body which enables ephedra and caffeine to have a greater effect.
In 2004 the FDA banned ephedra because it produced very unpleasant side effects. Currently, supplement companies use a milder and less effective synthetic form of ephedra called pseudoephedrine.
In addition to increasing the bodies metabolic rate certain fat burning products also contain ingredients that suppress your hunger. For example, soluble fibers derived from plants can slow down your digestive system which makes you feel fuller for longer.
Chitosan is derived from the skeletons of fish and other marine animals is also a common ingredient used in fat binding supplements. Chitosan binds to fat molecules which increases their size and makes them harder for the digestive system to absorb.
Many fat burning products claim they'll enable you to lose lots of weight without doing any exercise. This of course, appeals to many people who are overweight and who don't like physical exercise. They're led to believe that popping a few weight loss pills will make them thin.
However, the reality is much different. For fat burners to be effective you need to take them in conjunction with regular exercise. Without exercise you'll find the end results very disappointing.
When choosing a fat burner make sure you check the ingredients carefully so they don't contain any that you may be allergic to you.
If you're pregnant, have a medical condition or you're taking medication, then you should consult with your doctor first. Always, take the recommended dosage otherwise you could end up with unpleasant side effects
Choose a brand of fat burner that has proven to work and has claims that are backed up with clinical research.
The fact is, with so many weight loss products to choose from you can easily be stressed out. Relax - visit http://safeweightlosspillshq.com now and you'll find highly researched articles and unbiased reviews on the leading brands of natural fat burner supplements all in one convenient place.

5 Sure-Fire Fitness Tips for Teens

Teenagers do not always have ample amount of time to take care of themselves as they have other concerns, like school/college work and dating. Adopting a healthy lifestyle with little efforts can often give them more confidence and energy, keeping them happy and healthy, not just now, but even in adulthood. Here are top 5 health tips for teens that can go a long way in helping them feel good, remain safe, and stay healthy.
Get Enough Sleep
With your hectic schedule, like not just going to regular schools, but other classes, such as tutorials, music/dance sessions, and other activities, 8-hours of sleep looks impossible for most of teenagers. But, proper sleep during teenage is a must for proper growth, avoiding and healing anxiety and it also minimizes the pain.
Maintain a sleep-wake cycle, which means make some agenda for time to go bed and to get up early in the morning. Get enough sleep so that your mind and body gets time to rest and recover.
Exercise Regularly
Both jogging and walking are great ways to stay fit; most of the teens do not take this seriously as they think exercise is just for older people. Even jogging or walking for fifteen minutes every day can be very beneficial. It tones your muscles, and relieves stress, making you to look healthy and fit.
Be Social
Staying connected with friends or family members will build a support system that can make your bad times less stressful, while you can add more fun in good times. There are other great stress relievers, like movies, music, and books. Friends or family can sometimes drive you crazy.
Have a Regular Checkup
Make it a practice to visit your physician or doctor every month or so; work with them to improve any abnormalities. Regular checkup leads to early cure of any disease before it develops.
Don't Worry About Others; Stay Motivated!
Without some aim in life, you can achieve nothing; but in the meanwhile, do not worry what other people are doing. If you want to join a gym class to stay fit, you do not have to worry or feel embarrassed about the other people in that gym. Playing a sport on daily basis can get you into good shape. Start with smaller goals, like 20 pull-ups or 5-miles run before achieving big numbers.
These tips can help you to maintain a healthy life, while also crossing your teenage period with the minimum of problems.
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Fitness Tips for Better Results

The better your plan the better your results. If you take a rush at the problem you can do more harm than good. Our aim is to get fit and stay fit. The number one reason that people fail is that they go full speed into changing their diet and getting to the gym and quickly burn out. If you rush into a get fit and healthy regime and the results are not instant you can become dispirited and slip back into your old ways.
You are going to have to clean up your diet and, although this is essential, don't go crazy. There is time enough later to count calories and regulate the balance between carbohydrates and proteins. For now eat healthy non-processed foods.
Next you have to confirm your goals. This will determine the actions that you must make and the decisions that you take. Many of us start with just wanting to feel good by looking good. By looking good we usually mean getting a beach body. You know, gaining some muscular definition, or looking "ripped" as they say.
Stay regular but start small. You will need to do weight training three to four times per week and cardio three times per week. Keep the weights light but the repetitions fairly high and alternate between upper and lower body on different days. Limit the cardio to twenty minutes for the first few weeks. Do the cardio after, but on the same day as the weight training.
Continue your dietary improvements and as your body becomes used to the changes you will notice a remarkable change in your feeling of fitness and well-being. As for the training, resist the temptation to increase the amount of weights too soon. Once you can visibly notice the improvement is the time to increase the repetitions and the amount of weight alternatively.
Although you started with the goal of looking ripped, it is perfectly normal to start considering the other two goals that usually occur. They are gaining strength and gaining size. It is not necessary to wait for months on your first goal before changing your routine.
Introducing some strength training will mean heavier weights at fewer repetitions. This will necessitate an increase in the food intake to fuel the increase in effort and to feed the growth of muscle. This is also the case for building bulk. Many students find that they get the most benefit by alternating every few months.
In all cases a steady increase in work rate produces the maximum reward.
Looking for that Ideal Fitness System? Follow me, Bob Stallard, and I'll help you to find the system that is right for you. http://www.fitnessclubsystem.com

Top 7 Fitness Tips For Starting Out

1) Set A Goal

Start with setting a goal and what you want to be achieved. You will be way more motivated if you know exactly what you want to look like by the time it is all set and done.
2) Get Proper Attire
Before starting any kind of exercise, make sure to getting proper attire. You always want to feel comfortable. Nobody wants to go running in jeans. This also helps minimize the chances of getting injured.
3) Drink Lots of Water
Always keep yourself hydrated. You always want to be able to walk over to the toilet and be able to pee even if you don't have to go that instant. Water is very important for your body. It will also help keep out toxins from your body after a workout session.
4) Get Proper Amount Of Rest
Any fitness program you join, you will always be told to make sure you get enough rest. Exercising and eating properly alone is not enough. When you work your butt off really hard one day, always give yourself enough rest to be able to prepare yourself for the next. Over exercising can really harm your body.
5) Eat Properly
Eating foods that contain a lot of nutrients helps keep your body healthy and also maintains your current weight. By eating fruits, vegetables, grains and protein, you help strength your body and also your immune system. Doing this overtime will effectively help you lose weight.
6) Let Your Body Relax
After a work out session, your body is normally at a very high temperature. Letting your body relax after intense work out allows your body to reduce the temperature. You are protecting your body and preventing yourself from injuries. Once you allow yourself to cool down, you can then continue your work out.
7) Keep Track of Your Progress
If you are serious about weight loss, from the day you set your goals and begin exercising, you should also keep track of your progress. You can write down how much you weigh along with the date and then mark your results after every week. Or you can also take pictures of your body and see if you notice any changes after each week. This way, you can easily tell if you are making progress or not. You will know whether you're heading towards the right direction or if you need to change gears.
I have provided you with the basics. If you want more free advanced fitness tips, please visit http://www.fitnessfromdonald.com.

Fast Weight Loss Dieting - Shouldn't I Just Decrease My Calorie Intake To Lose Weight Fast?

Speed. That's typically the first word that comes to the minds of many who are looking to get in shape. Fast weight loss dieting is something that many want to do, but don't really understand what truly will work quickly... WITHOUT the negative consequences.
That being said, one of the most common approaches to lose weight fast is to simply decrease your calorie intake. The theory is very straightforward: If you eat X amount of calories a day and you are either gaining weight or maintaining weight, then simply reduce your calorie intake by X amount, and you'll get amazing results. Although the numbers game here makes sense, it's not as straightforward as it may seem.
The reason why is very simple: It is highly recommended that you DO NOT solely focus on losing weight fast simply by decreasing your calorie intake simply because WHAT and HOW you eat is more important than HOW MUCH you eat.
You see, you could just decrease your calorie intake and eat nothing but an unhealthy lunch each day (such as 4 slices of pizza and some fries) to reach your total daily calorie intake requirement. Doing this may equal the total amount of calories you need as far as NUMBERS are concerned for you to lose weight, but you are doing your body a major disservice. What will end up happening is you'll suffer from a mountain of problems (a slower metabolism, digestive issues, more body fat, a loss of energy, and more)!
The primary focus should always be on what it is you are eating and how you are eating as opposed to how much you are eating. This is not to say that you can eat as much as you want and still lose weight. You still do need to eat a little less than you normally would if you want to lose weight, but the point I'm trying to make is that strictly focusing on decreasing your calorie intake is not going to get you the results you want.
Now, to explain the WHAT and the HOW...
The WHAT means eating the right types of nutrients (such as foods high in antioxidants, healthy fats, healthy carbs, protein, vitamins, and minerals). The HOW means eating smaller meals more often throughout the day, eating slower, not eating bad foods late at night, ALWAYS eating breakfast every morning, etc.
So, to answer the question of if you should simply just decrease your calorie intake to drop those pounds quickly, as you can see from the above, this is definitely not a good idea. Focus more on what it is you are eating and how you are eating and you'll not only drop pounds quickly, you'll also improve your overall health as well... PERMANENTLY!
ATTENTION Anyone who is sick of failing their weight loss goals:
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Top 6 Crazy Weight Loss Myths

Want to know the truth about weight loss and hear the ridiculous lies you've been told? Read on... 
1) Myth: "You need a fast metabolism to lose weight"
The Truth: As people gain weight, their resting metabolic rate speeds up - therefore disproving this myth. This means that when you are bigger you need to eat more to sustain your weight. This means that your metabolism is sped up but won't mean that you're burning fat fast at all.
2) Myth: "Low fat products are great for losing weight"
The Truth: Foods you find in 'healthy ranges' in supermarkets or products marked with 'low fat' or 'fat free' labels don't mean that they are free from calories - in fact they are more likely to contain more calories because of the amount of extra flavourings and sugar added to them. If you really want something that is genuinely low fat, look at the label and make sure it has 3 grams or less fat per 100 grams.
3) Myth: "Being fat is genetic"
The Truth: Obesity is very rarely a genetic condition. You are more likely to inherit the bad lifestyle habits from your parents and guardians rather than actually being born with a gene that makes you fat. Being big isn't the only problem that you may face if you are overweight but high blood pressure and diabetes may also be a side effect of excess weight.
4) Myth: "Diets never work"
The Truth: Starving yourself doesn't work, and neither do fad diets which you will give up on after a few weeks. However, if you think about dieting, it is really just making healthy food and exercise choices. This type of diet works well because you are staying active and getting a balanced diet without overindulging and having more calories than your body can process.
5) Myth: "Frozen vegetables aren't as nutritious as fresh vegetables"
The Truth: 5 portions of fruit and veg a day is what you should aim for - regardless of whether it is frozen or fresh. Fresh fruit often tastes nicer, and raw veg is nice in salads. Frozen veggies have been proven to keep the nutrients locked in for longer - even during transit. However, boiling them can often results in many nutrients being lost - try steaming your vegetables instead!
6) Myth: "Pasta and bread make you fat"
The Truth: Although bread and pasta are high in carbohydrates, it is only over eating these types of foods which can make us gain weight. Because of this, many people avoid high carb foods when on a diet - you can however just limit your intake instead. Also, rather than having white bread or pasta, switch to whole grains. You will also find that the foods you eat with these products can also be culprits when it comes to weight gain - don't blame the pasta and bread - it could well be the creamy pasta sauce that boosted your calories or the sugary jam on your toast. Try low fat spreads and tomato pasta sauce instead!
Hi I am Gary Abernathy author of this article and many more. I am an avid Health and fitness nut. I have had a weight problem all my life up to about 5 years ago, When I finally done something about the weight problem. I now write articles such as this one, and have a web site set up so that people can read more interesting articles about weight loss. Please go to this link and check it out.http://losingweighttobehealthy.com

Weight Loss Tips That Will Slim You Down

When trying to lose weight, you should never do it alone. The best thing to do is to talk with your health physician to establish a plan. After that you should find a group of friends and loved ones that can show you their support. With a good support system and the right advice, weight loss is inevitable.
A great tip that may help you lose weight is to purchase some new workout outfits. Once you know you've forked out the money for workout outfits, you'll be more inclined to follow through with your weight loss goals because you don't want all that money you spent to be wasted.
Stress can not only cause your motivation to decrease when losing weight, but it can also cause your body to put on more fat around your midsection. Stress can also lead you to make poor choices when emotional eating hits. Try to cope with stress through exercise, meditation, or deep breathing exercises.
Eat smaller portions of food you love - You don't have to sacrifice all the foods your love while you are dieting. Cut high calorie foods into smaller pieces before you eat them. Your body will feel like it is getting more than it actually is. Some brands already sell healthy-sized portions of their snack foods prepackaged.
Use less sauces and dressings in your foods - Sauces and dressings are often made with oil or contain lots of sugar. Drowning your green salad in dressing or smothering your baked potato in sour cream, adds a lot of fat and calories. You can try using substitutes, such as non-fat sour cream, but you should also experiment with more spices to flavor your food.
Avoid skipping meals - When you don't eat regularly, your body can go into what is known as starvation mode. Essentially, what this means is that your body begins to think that you are starving and in an effort to keep you alive it starts hanging on to fat rather than burning it. This makes it far more difficult to lose weight. Instead of skipping meals, focus on eating 5-6 small meals at regular intervals throughout the day
Every good weight loss program comes with a great source of motivation - Here is a unique motivation tip. Before you start the program determine how much you want to lose and what size clothes that would put you in. Then go buy the clothes for the future you. This monetary investment will help keep you on track hoping that one day the new clothes fit.
A great tip that may help you lose weight is to ditch all of those breakfast cereals that contain way too much sugar, and eat oatmeal instead. Oatmeal is one of the best sources of carbohydrates around. The energy you get from eating oatmeal will practically fuel your whole day.
When eating with others, people tend to consume more than they realize. They are so involved in conversation and having a good time, they don't pay attention to what they are eating. In order to lose weight, it is suggested not to mix eating with having a good time. If you go out with friends for food, remember to pay attention to how much you eat, and be careful not to overdo it.
Remember if you are counting calories, to make sure you count the calories in beverages as well as food. Drinking even two or three sodas or beers each day can add up to a large number of calories over the course of a week. This may be the cause for lack of weight loss in some people.
Trying to follow tons of new rules is what makes dieting so difficult for many people. You do not have to employ each and every bit of advice that you read. The best thing to do is to try a few and then stick with the ones that show you the best results.
For more healthy tips to help tackle the process of losing weight, readers will find more information and start getting into shape by visiting here.
Thomas H Brady is an Information researcher who reviews and provides useful information for the novice and expert. Click here http://www.answer4diet.com

Sticking to Your Weight Loss Diet Plan

Sticking to Your Weight Loss Diet Plan - Even During the Working Week!
Losing weight isn't difficult, but trying to stick to a good exercise routine and a balanced diet can be difficult if you don't plan ahead. Here is a great 5 weekday diet plan which you can use:

• Breakfast - Low fat whole grain cereal, 1 apple, glass of water/milk.
• Lunch - 3 bean wrap with cheese, 1 orange.
• Dinner - Salmon and broccoli mix ready to microwave.
• Snack - Carrot sticks and 2tbsp hummus.
• Breakfast - Muesli, skimmed milk and 1 banana.
• Lunch - Turkey wrap, bunch of 20 grapes
• Dinner - Chicken pasta with salad and 2 tbsp vinegar dressing
• Snack - 1 orange
• Breakfast - Omelette with 3 egg whites and spinach
• Lunch - Avocado and salad in pita bread, fat free yogurt.
• Dinner - Lemon chicken, broccoli and rice
• Snack - ½ cup Fat free yogurt, 1 cup dried apricots
• Breakfast - Toasted English muffin with ricotta cheese and 1 pear.
• Lunch - Grilled chicken breast salad, 2 tbsp low fat yogurt dressing.
• Dinner - Salmon steak, salad and steamed string beans.
• Snack - 1 banana, 1 tbsp peanut butter
• Breakfast - Low fat Greek yogurt, 1 grapefruit.
• Lunch - Ploughman's sandwich on whole grain bread or roll.
• Dinner - Vegetable chilli with rice
• Snack - 1 orange
As you can see, each lunch is easy enough to make the night before you go to work and taken with you as a packed lunch.
These meals are between 1200 and 1600 calories a day, so are better suited for women who want to lose weight. Remember, for the best weight loss help you need to exercise on top of eating well. Men and women have different daily calorie intakes per day. Depending on your height and amount of exercise you do, the amount of calories need to consume per day to maintain or lose weight can vary.
Men should consume between 2400 and 3000 calories a day to ensure they have enough energy to support them in their day to day routine. The less active you are, the fewer calories you need to consume - it's that simple.
It is recommended that women who are active should consume 2000 calories per day but if you want to lose weight you need to reduce this to about 1500. Cutting back your calorie intake by 1000 calories has been proven to help you lose 2lbs a week, and cutting back by 500 calories a day can help you lose 1lb a week.
If you want to lose weight fast, make sure that you aren't eating less calories than can support your active lifestyle. If you starve yourself for 2 weeks leading up to a holiday for example and begin to eat a lot afterwards, you will put weight back on quickly. It is better to lose weight slowly and keep it off.
If snacking is your main problem, just stock your fridge full of healthy food so you can graze throughout the day and don't get hungry!
Bio box
Hi I am Gary Abernathy author of this article and many more. I am an avid Health and fitness nut. I have had a weight problem all my life up to about 5 years ago, when I finally done something about the weight problem. I now write articles such as this one, and have a web site set up so that people can read more interesting articles about weight loss. Please go to this link and check it out. http://losingweighttobehealthy.com

The Top 7 Diet And Exercise Tips For Anyone Who Is Sick Of Not Getting Results!

Tired of not getting results with your diet and exercise efforts? Try these 7 tips out to start seeing results by TOMORROW!
1. Exercise for the afterburn effect - The afterburn effect is when your body will continue to burn calories AFTER your workout is done. Who wouldn't want to have something like that happen?! Well, you can, if you do the right types of workouts. The best workouts to do to get the afterburn effect are high intensity workouts (such as sports, high intensity interval training, circuit training) and building lean muscle (especially with compound movements that work your larger muscle groups... such as squats). The reason this happens is because you are not only boosting your metabolism with these types of workouts, you are also increasing your resting metabolism as well.
2. Don't stop at fitness - If you want to get RESULTS, then it is imperative that you put it in your mind that burning off calories does not stop at fitness. To get quick and consistent results, it is important that you stay active throughout the day. I'm not saying that you should never rest, I'm just saying that you should get up more and do SOMETHING. It could be cleaning, going for a quick walk, fixing something around the house, etc.
3. Never stick to the same exercise routine for too long - Once your body gets accustomed to a particular level of fitness, you will reach a plateau. In other words, you'll stop seeing progress. To prevent this from happening, what I recommend you do is consistently alternate your exercise routines. This means increasing the intensity, increasing the time you are working out, increasing the weight, etc.
4. ALWAYS follow the basic dieting clichés - What that means is those typical diet clichés you always here (such as eating plenty of fruits and veggies, eat more often during the day with smaller meals, eat plenty of protein, etc.) are all important. Just because those tips have been around for many years doesn't mean they no longer work. Remember this quote: "The secret to success in any area of life is hidden behind popular clichés."
5. Never go on fad diets - Fad diets not only are ineffective, they will also cause you to lose motivation. This is because they are so restrictive and they don't produce consistent results. The types of fad diets to avoid are low-carb, low-calorie, low-fat, and any other type of diet that wants you to significantly restrict nutrients or calories.
6. Here's what to look for in a diet - It has to boost your metabolism naturally (such as by eating frequently and eating fat burning nutrients), it has to be based on eating all types of nutrients, and it must be easy to do (so that you'll more than likely stay consistent). Effective diets such as this are hard to find because the bulk of what you see through advertisements and the Internet are nothing but fad diets.
7. Motivate yourself by getting progress - The ultimate solution for NEVER losing motivation is to ensure you do all the things necessary that will produce results. The reason why is because when you see and feel results, you are guaranteed to get more and more motivation!

Diet Program For Weight Loss

Why is losing weight so difficult? In spite of a simple logical equation in place that states that if you consume more calories than you burn it will result in weight gain. Similarly if you burn more calories than you consume you will automatically lose weight. Why is it that some of us after going through serious of weight loss diets still don't manage to lose weight.
Sometimes our intake of food with high sugar, salt or the fat content is higher probably because they tend to satisfy us more easily than other foods. Besides, these foods are also addictive, the more we have it the more we want it. All this leads to weight gain. These extra kilograms soon start to bother and people start finding their own pet solutions to get rid of them. Over a period of trial & error the people gives that up too and finally start searching for the most effective and healthy weight loss plan which makes them lose weight and keep it off.
Mostly everyone knows what is healthy and what is not. The biggest challenge, and often the culprit to any weight problem, is identifying what works best for them. People find it difficult to get on a diet program because they think the food will be tasteless and consist of options that they won't enjoy eating. Fortunately, there are diet plans available that are tasty, healthy and promote weight reduction without starving people. This means no one has to pay someone to starve himself/herself to lose weight!
There is an obvious answer to the above problem. One is consuming an unbalanced diet. Everyone thinks that they are eating healthy but how far is it really true. Eating right is like rocket science and initially you do require professional guidance to help you understand what works best for you. So before you resign to feeling fat and over-weight seek out advice from a nutrition specialist. This will help draft practical guidelines to the general dos and don'ts of eating well.
Now you know what to do and what not to do. The next question is "how to get started and find the right weight loss diet plan?" The first step towards losing weight and getting on a diet plan is to identify a source that understands your daily nutrition requirement based on your lifestyle & food preferences. You must know that no two people have the same body type, metabolic rate or lifestyle and therefore no generic diet plans give the same results.
A good & successful diet plan should be especially created for you and will help you lose weight by bringing a balance to your diet with the right intake of food as per the body requirements.
A good weight loss diet plan understands this individual difference and therefore creates diet plans that focus on your eating patterns, routines and habits. The focus of the Weight loss plan is to ensure that you get enough food to eat to maintain your adequate nutrition intake that is required for the body to function correctly.
I am a nutrition and fitness enthusiast. I write about weight loss diet and fitness. I want people to have better and correct knowledge about efficient and effective weight loss methods.

Green Vegetable Diet For Weight Loss

A green vegetable diet can really help you in losing quick weight and that too in a healthy way. This is a completely vegetarian diet and this is the reason behind its popularity. There are several green vegetables to decide upon such as cucumbers, kale, broccoli, and long - stem onions, green peppers, peas, cabbage, spinach, dark leafy green lettuce, asparagus and collard greens. These kinds of vegetables are really healthy and can help you lose weight in the quickest possible time.
Raw Greens
Consume green vegetables at least 5 times a day. You should also drink a lot of water on a daily basis as water is the appropriate transport system for the nutrients in the body. Buy ray green vegetables and consider eating them in order to stay fit and healthy. Spirulina is a great vegetable that you can consider consuming if you really want to maintain your body weight and health.
Cooking Options
Well, eating raw green vegetables is not possible every time and therefore the finest option available with you is to steam the vegetables properly. You can add some herbs, olive oil in order to enhance the flavor and nutritional value of your food. You must try adding healthier fats to your greens. For this purpose, you can consider using grape seed oil or even olive oil. Such things will really benefit your body in the long run.
Eating Method
You need to eat your food slowly so that your stomach feels full faster and you are able to enjoy your meal in the best possible way. You should take the time to chew your vegetables properly and enjoy every single bite. If you still feel hungry then you can consider eating raw greens. They are low in calories and therefore you won't put up any weight. They are a lean source of protein and fiber and therefore you can easily lose quick weight using such vegetables.
So, these are some of the most interesting things to remember regarding green vegetables diet plan for weight loss. You need to work really hard with complete dedication in order to stay fit and healthy. Besides, all these things you need to get in touch with your doctor and ask him about suggestions on weight loss. Read this article carefully if you are planning to start on a diet plan. It would really help you in maintaining a healthy body. Enjoy a lot while consuming raw green vegetables for a healthy physique.
Are you fond of eating? Do you find it difficult to control your urge to eat? If yes, then you can burn your fat while eating. Weight Loss Diet plans can help you in reducing the dimensions of your belly bloat in a healthy manne